Tuesday, June 13, 2017

And We're In!

Well, we did it.  What seemed like a never-ending journey is finally over - sort of.  Yesterday we made our final walkthrough of the house and then went to our closing.  The closing process was very simple - sign a lot of documents and walk out with keys to your new house.  Of all the processes we went through to get to this point NVR was the best.  I know they get a bad rap on some websites but they were nothing but professional and courteous the entire trip.

Now for the house.  We love it.  We've waited a long time for this and in the end it was all worth it. 

Now the down side.  Very few of the items on our list were completed before we closed.  In fact they're still going to be working on a few things on the outside while we live here.  Our PM has finally broken us.  Yesterday morning we just got to the point where we just wanted them out of the house and let us take over.  We'll finish the minor blemishes and learn to live with a few things until the 30 day and 1 year fixes.  It's just frustrating dealing with him and watching nothing get done.  We liken it to asking a person to wipe off a counter but instead they wife off the wrong counter - and then they only wipe off part of the correct counter but spill their drink on the floor - and then they clean up their drink but leave the cup on the still dirty counter.  "Just get out of the way and I'll do it myself!"

We started our move yesterday by moving all our personal belongings from my mother in law's house to our new house.  Without much in the form of furniture we're still living out of totes but that's fine.

We also started the journey of painting rooms.  So far the laundry room, powder room and one bedroom closet are finished.  Will try to get the kid's rooms finished before the weekend so they can start living again.  We'll get the rest painted as soon as we can but there is A TON of other stuff to get to.

When you get a new home don't forget to budget money for blinds, curtains, ceiling fans, closet organizers, etc.  It adds up quickly.  Luckily for my wife I'm handy enough to do most of this work myself.  Luckily for me I have a beautiful wife who knows decor.  We make a pretty great team.

Speaking of that, on the same day as we closed we also celebrated our 13th anniversary!  Looking forward to spending the rest of my life with this woman.

On another down note, last night before bed I noticed a little water in the basement.  It hadn't rained so the only water that could be was either from plumbing or the sprinkler in the back.  PM came over this morning and cut away the insulation.  Sure enough, foundation leak.  "I don't know how this is happening; you have waterproofing."  The leak starts right at the ground level mark so obviously the waterproofing is compromised.  He's working on it.  Will keep this blog updated on this issue.

Pictures will be forthcoming.

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