Tuesday, June 6, 2017

6 Days to go...

Missed day 7 but that's OK.  So much going on right now that this process is a blur.

As a surprise - WE HAVE FREAKIN SOD!!!!  Our neighbors who just moved in a week ago don't even have sod yet.  Looking like a house...

Advice to those in this process - hire a home inspector.  We're glad we did.  My wife was feeling very overwhelmed at the amount of work that still needed to be done.  The inspector reassured her that this is normal and that overall the house is in great shape.  The minor stuff can easily be finished.

Even though our house is still a few days away from being ready we had our home inspector come in today to give it a once-over for major mechanical and semi-structural fixes.  The idea was to avoid the cosmetic items that are still being addressed and instead focus on fixes that can't be covered with spackle and paint.  There were still a lot of tradesmen around the house doing minor (and some not-so-minor) touchups but here is what he found:

- Refrigerator on the same GFCI protected circuit as the kitchen outlets.  If the GFCI trips then the contents of the refrigerator can thaw before we have a chance to reset the breaker.

- Front porch needs a railing.  Code says anything with a fall greater than 30" needs a railing.  We're at 40" on the side of our porch.  Highly likely that Ryan won't do it.

- A bad GFCI outlet on the deck.

- Brick weep holes missing netting material.

- Several doors and latches need adjusting.

- Missing deck flashing and lateral support.

- Rusting (already?) flashing material

- A bunch of minor stuff too numerous to list.

My wife had a list of her own - 5 pages that doesn't include all the blue-tape stuff that we considered cosmetic.  Add that to our previous punch list and we're up to over 60 items.  Ryan's third party inspector comes tomorrow and will have his list of fixes.  In two days we go back for our final walkthrough before closing.  That's where we'll break out the blue tape!

We love the house.  There is a lot of work to be done but we love it and look forward to being able to call it ours.

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