Wednesday, May 10, 2017

New PM, Fresh Start

We don't know the full story but today we met our new PM.  Apparently our previous PM had some medical issues and was not going to be around for a while.  We certainly hope whatever the problems may be that he recovers quickly.

Our new PM is a personable and very knowledgeable guy and we were stunned by the work done around the house.  My wife and I were floored when we saw some of the extra things that were being done.  The piles of dirt around the house were leveled and cleaned up.  Huge industrial fans were brought in to help dry out the house - it's getting humid in the area.  A propane heater was brought in to add heat to the house if needed.  We really felt like things were finally getting done on the house and that we could get back on track to getting the house completed.  We left this meeting a whole lot happier than we've been in a long time.

Keith talked us through what was going on in the house and what the drywall finishers were doing.  He took time to show us the different materials used in the finishing process and why they were used.  He assured us that the bathrooms will be properly constructed and sealed to avoid moisture issues.  We walked the entire house but nothing really jumped out to us as being wrong.  When we got to the bonus room we discussed the obvious (and continuing) issue with the attic access that is partially blocked by rafters.  He took note of that immediately and said he would have the framers out the next day to fix it - and he knew exactly what needed to be done.  What?  Something is going to happen quickly and a problem corrected?!?

We finally got to the major question of the day - would we be able to close on June 12 as promised?  With Keith being new to this house build he didn't have all the details just yet but he thought that, yes, it is possible that would still happen.  BUT, he wanted to talk it over with his boss and will likely give us a call next week to discuss it further.  Honestly, we don't think Ryan will meet the closing date and we're OK with it.  At this point we're glad to have a PM that genuinely seems to know what is going on and will work to complete the house correctly. 
 We would rather delay the closing a few weeks than have to deal with a bunch of service calls.

Thank you to Ryan Homes for listening to our concerns and making things right.  We feel so much better right now.

As for other updates, the brick was being completed and it looks fantastic even before they do the final acid wash.  1st coat of drywall mud was being applied and will likely be finished tonight.  My guess is they will be complete this weekend or on Monday.  Siding and trim work will likely start next week.

Only one picture for the day as the rest is pretty boring:

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