Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Locked Out!

Our PM informed us today that new locks had been installed on the house.  The official reason is that there was a large delivery of cabinets and trim work and that the locks are needed to safeguard the materials.  I would have thought it was for our unauthorized entry into the house and finding a number of deficiencies!  In any case, our off-hours site visits will need to be curtailed.

Workers during the day will access the house so we can always visit while their around.  Our PM had asked that he be alerted to when we would do a site visit so we'll give him a heads-up that we're coming so he's not surprised by our visit.  With the money we're spending on the house we're still planning on making multiple visits per week to check on progress and the quality of work.

Our speaking-up at least got things moving.  Several of the deficiencies have been fixed or will be fixed in the next few days.  One thing that will not be fixed is the location of the rear hose bib.  We are concerned that the location will be at the bottom of our deck stairs and people will trip over a hose coming off the deck.  The official reason again is it would be a change order and they don't do things different than on the plans.  Again, BS due to the fact that plumbing isn't shown on the plans and final locations are determined by the plumber.  We were never asked about where the hose bibs would be located!!!!!  I certainly wouldn't have put a hose bib at the bottom of the deck stairs or at the corner of the house opposite the garage and driveway.  Not a huge deal as our basement isn't finished and we'll move this after we move in.

On a good note, the brick continues to go up and still looks amazing.  Drywall (from what I could see in the window) was mostly up and ready for finishing.

So, more advice for people starting the buying process:

1.  Try to get your hose bib locations put on the plans BEFORE signing a contract.
2.  Don't put up with your PM not fixing problems prior to drywall.
3.  CC the SR if your PM isn't making you happy.
4.  Don't be afraid to ask for changes during construction.  They will likely say "no" but maybe they'll give in on some of the things that are important to you that are easy for them to fix.

Best luck everyone and be back soon!

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