Thursday, May 18, 2017

Surprise! Things still moving forward

Visited the house last night and at lunch today and boy have they been busy.  Concrete driveway, porch and sidewalks place.  Siding is nearly complete.  And the big surprise, our laminate floor is in.

Talked to the PM last night and got some mostly bad news for a few things.  First, we can't have the 3'x3' slab at our rear walkout relocated to the deck stairs.  It's needed for final occupancy.  We didn't want it installed as we didn't want to remove it when we install our large concrete patio.

Second, the guys who do the concrete don't do work on the side; they only work for builders.  Looks like we'll need to find another company to do our patio - hopefully before Ryan install sod.

Third, Ryan can't relocate the vent in the great room.  We didn't hold much hope in them being able to do it but decided to ask anyway.  The PM is going to meet me on-site to discuss his thoughts but we'll need to hire our HVAC guys to relocate after we close.

No problems with Ryan on any of the above.  We're still very happy with the build and understand that we'll have things to do when we move in.

Now, some pictures from last night - without the concrete driveway.
Siding nearly complete and driveway formwork up
South side of house

Back of house

Kitchen looking at morning room

From the kitchen into the great room.  Troublesome vent is on the right underneath the outlet.
Kitchen looking from morning room
Boy's bathroom
Master Bath

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