Friday, May 5, 2017


Drywallers took about two days to complete the house and everything looks terrific.  At this point my eye for picking out issues in construction goes away and in steps my wife's ability to see imperfections in surfaces.

Locks have been installed on all the doors so it looks like our late night excursions to check on progress will come to an end.  It's fine as from here on out construction consists of drywall and finish work.  We can still get into the house during work hours and I think the sales office will keep a key.

It's been raining for a few days here and everything is soaked.  There were a few very minor leaks in the basement but they are on the sides of the house that have not been bricked.  Other than those few spots the house looks good and finishing starts tomorrow.

With sports cancelled last night my wife and I went out to visit a few furniture stores to look at sectional couches.  We found two that we really liked - one at Macy's and the other at Morris Furniture.  The Morris couch was expensive - like double our budget expensive, and they have a 12 week waiting period for delivery.  We actually liked the Macy's couch better and will probably go that route as long as there isn't a hugely long turn-around period.

We're down to less than six weeks until we close and the excitement continues to build.  In less than four weeks we'll be moving out of the apartment.

Here are a few pictures of the interior!

Bonus room

Bonus room, still working on the attic access above the office

Upstairs looking at bedrooms

View kitchen from foyer

view of kitchen island

View of great room from kitchen

Leak under fireplace on unbricked side of house.

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