Friday, March 10, 2017

Footers and Electrical Changes Update

Well, I have driven by the site every day and there is always something new going on.  A few nights ago I was lucky enough to run into the people laying out the footers.  Apparently the strong winds that evening kept blowing their tape measure and string around so layout took them much longer than normal.  In any case, they did a great job and were some very nice people.

The next day the footers were excavated and framed and the City stopped by for inspection just as I was leaving.  Apparently they placed the concrete that evening.

Today's visit found the footer concrete placed and the basement backfilled with stone.  There are 3-4 elevations of the footers which is a bit confusing but it's not like I'm an engineer or anything.  There was a truck parked out front with all the formwork for walls so we will have something coming out of the ground next week.

A few days ago our PM emailed to inform us that the electrical changes we requested could not be done.  We had added a recessed light is what would normally be the eating area next to the kitchen and asked that it be put on the same light switch as the kitchen.  Well, it turns out they can't do it so we'll have to deal with an extra switch to control two recessed lights.  Maybe we'll like it better in the end so it's not worth arguing.

***5/10/17 UPDATE - The electricians were good enough to put all the recessed lights on one circuit just as we wanted.  I don't know if the PM discussed this with them but we have what we originally wanted.

Anyway, here is what our hole in the ground looks like with some concrete footers.  
front view looking into the garage area

Front view with garage to the left
Another view from the garage area
The soil is going to be under the garage floor

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