Tuesday, February 28, 2017

NVR and Selling our Current House


There are A LOT of horror stories on the internet about NVR - ours is not one of them.  We didn't consider using NVR until our realtor was able to get some additional concessions from Ryan if we used their in-house financing.  Well, the incentives were worth-while so we went ahead and entertained the idea.

Justin, our NVR rep gave us a call and we spoke to him briefly about the process and what paperwork was needed.  This stuff is pretty standard whether you go through NVR, a bank or another mortgage company.  W-2's, tax returns, paystubs, bank statements, current mortgage info, etc.  This is all easy to find and very easy to send over.  Justin put it all together then called us in to have a face-to-face meeting and sign some paperwork.

At our face-to-face meeting, Justin was very informative going through each document and explaining what each section included.  There are A LOT of documents but don't get discouraged.  Most of them are federally mandated (thanks Congress) and they are standard whether you go through NVR or someone else.  Everything went well in our meeting and we were so glad to be working with Justin.

Our paperwork was then handed off to the underwriters who did a little more behind the scenes work before sending us notification that we've been approved!  Yes!  We were depending on the proceeds from our current home sale to use as a down payment but we were able to do a temporary 401(k) loan to get the 5% down payment necessary to start construction.  This was an easy loan to get and we will repay it first when we sell our current house.

Overall, great job NVR!

Selling our Current House

The housing market right now is crazy in Mason, Ohio.  We constantly look at what is on the market and it usually is pending within a few days of being listed.  Our realtor convinced us to shoot high for an asking price and see what we get.  Our new house wont be ready until late June or early July so we had the luxury of time on our side.

My wife received word that some neighbors in our subdivision were about to go to market for a price less than we were willing to take as a final.  Immediately my wife hit the gas and in less than 24 hours we had the house ready to sell and we were signing papers with our realtor.  I have to give a big shout out to our realtor - Michelle Sloan in Mason, Ohio.  She gave us some great advice and priced our house just right for the market.

Our house went up on the MLS at noon the next day.  30 minutes later we got our first call for a walk-through.  Then another; and another; and another.  By 7:30pm that evening we had 8 walk-throughs.  By 8:30pm we had at least two offers - both above asking price.  We sincerely believe that we priced our house right for the market but thought we were high for the neighborhood.  What happened yesterday is fate and prayer at work.

Three years ago when we sold our old house and bought our current house the process was very difficult and it seemed like everything was working against us.  This time everything is going so smoothly it's like we're in a dream.  Friends and family told us that this is a sign that we are doing what we are supposed to do.  God is certainly looking out for us and we pray that he continues to bless us.

And while we're on this note here is a picture of our family at our new home site.  Pre-Construction meeting is this week so wish us luck!

1 comment:

  1. Best of luck! :) I know you will be very happy in your new home!
