Wednesday, June 7, 2017

5 Days to go...

Stopped by the house this morning to check on the work that was done yesterday and everything is looking better.  Not perfect, but better.

All the blue tape is gone.  Cleaners came in and did a somewhat adequate job.  Third party inspectors expected later today.  Seems like we're all set for final walkthrough tomorrow.

In just a quick visit I noticed a lot of things that still need to be touched-up:

- Laminate floors are iffy.  Several are chipped.  Lots of paint and drywall dust in the cracks and crevices.  One spot where filler was used to cover where they had driven a screw through a board.  Not happy.

- Trim is still a mess in several places.  If you're not going to use a full length of trim along a wall then at least TRY to smooth out the joint.  Several joints have wood filler gobbed on and not sanded.

- Drywall patches around some outlet boxes that were adjusted is terrible.

- Drywall patch on the master bath is hideous.

None of this will stop closing but it's highly likely they will be working after we close.

Anyway, pictures!

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