Wednesday, April 5, 2017


With a little bit of help from some workers and a crane our little piles of lumber have been transformed into what looks a lot like a house.  The following pictures show what is about a weeks worth of work.

While not technically allowed to enter the house I did some snooping around just to look at how the framing was being done.  One thing I noticed is that the second floor joists were toe-nailed into beams instead of resting on the top or being supported by joist hangars.  This is something we're going to have to check pretty soon.

First floor looking at garage
First floor looking at the front
Basement and first floor from the back
We moved our basement walkout door to a location under the morning room.  It worked out better for us as we designed our future finished basement.
Just started the second floor
Second floor from the back
A few days later we have a roof!

We've been doing our best to get our move to the new apartment going and we close on our current house tonight.  The new owners have given us a few weeks to finish our move.  Maybe the next post will be an update of our move using PODS!

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